Other stuff
A place to put other stuff!
Sometimes it's fun to make fun of things! I don't really want to put "complaining about cartoons" on the same level as any other essays I might write, so they get relegated to this page instead.
My Little Pony: Generation 5: Make Your Mark: The Cast
It is a bad show about cartoon horses. It is a very bad show about cartoon horses.
My Little Pony: Generation 5: Make Your Mark: The Sleepover Episode: It's Bad
Two bad episodes from a bad show about cartoon horses. They are two very bad episodes from a very bad show about cartoon horses.
Despicable Me 4: An Extremely Lot of Nothing
A bad movie that doesn't even have any cartoon horses in it.
Everhood: How Not To Construct a Metaphor
part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Featuring the worst message I have ever seen in a video game, hands down.